MasterChef Australia All-Stars Winners List of All Seasons

Welcome to MasterChef Australia All-Stars Winners List of All Season: Another version of MasterChef franchised by Australia is the MasterChef Australia All-Stars. The participants here were the previous contestants in the different seasons including the declared winners.

The purpose of the show was to raise certai amount of money for some charitable institutions chosen by each and every participant. It was the first season of MasterChef Australia All-Stars which was won by the “Callum Hann” and the price money donate to his chosen charity “Cancer Council Australia“.

Callum Hann masterchef All stars australia season 1

The most respectable judges for MasterChef Australia All-Stars were Matt Preston, George Calombaris, and Gary Mehigan.

However it has only season any more season will air we will surely update it here on our page. However if we miss to update and you know please informe us so that, we can update the post accordingly and the users can get the right and correct information on time.

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Don’t forget to see Masterchef winners list country wise via below table just click on the country name and see the list of Masterchef winners of that country.

MasterChef Winners List Country Wise

Albania Denmark Malaysia Russia
Argentina Finland Mexico Saudi Arabia
Australia France Morocco Slovenia
Asia Germany Netherlands Spain
Belgium Greece New Zealand South Korea
Brazil Hungary Norway Sweden
Bulgaria Iceland Pakistan Turkey
Canada India Peru Ukraine
Chile Indonesia Philippines UK
China Ireland Poland USA
Colombia Israel Portugal Vietnam
Croatia Italy Romania