TBC Full Form in Cricket, Medical, Bank, Electronics etc.

The full form of TBC is different in every sectors If the term is used in cricket the meaning of TBC is difference while in Medical, Banking and  Electrical it’s different and here in this article we will discuss in-depth about TBC Full in cricket and other sectors as well.

What is the meaning of TBC?

In general the full form of TBC is “To be confirmed” which is used when any new product, show, movie etc. promo airs on TV or any other media sources but the launching date is not confirmed in such cases we use the term TBC. So we can say when any product or show, movie date is not confirmed in such cases we use the word TBC. now let’s move to different full form of TBC in different sectors.

What is the TBC Full Form in Cricket?

May be you are thinking TBC ka Full Form kya hai in cricket in Hindi or english than here want to confirm that the full form of TBC in cricket in Hindi (पुष्टि होना या पुष्टि करना) while in English TBC full form is (To Be Confirmed or To Be Choosen & To be Continue).

When the cricket match is schedule for the next year or season but it’s date is not confirmed in such case TBC which means to be confirmed is used but when a match is stopped due to rain the meaning and full form of tbc is TO BE CONTINUE.

Full Form of TBC in IPL

IPL is also the part of cricket but while the franchise bid for any player and TBC is used Infront of any player name which means is TO BE CHOOSEN while its comes to IPL Schedule and match stopped due to rain the meaning will remain same said above.

tbc full form

TBC Full Form In Medical

The full form of TBC in medical is totally different from the general term and cricket the full form of TBC in medical is Tuberculosis which is also known as TB disease.

Full of TBC in Other Sectors 

Here we have made a table where you can see the full form of TBC from different sectors:

Term Full Form Sector/Category
TBC To be confirmed Cricket
TBC To be choosen Cricket
TBC To be continue Cricket
TBC Tuberculosis Diseases
TBC Tool Bar Customization File Type
TBC Time Before Correction Electronics
TBC Turbo Builders Club (roblox) Electronics
TBC Total Branch Computerization Banking
TBC Trinity Baptist College Educational Institute
TBC Tauranga Boys College Educational Institute
TBC Trumbull Business College Educational Institute
TBC Trinity Bible College Educational Institute
TBC Texas Baseball Club Sports
TBC Total Body Conditioning Sports
TBC Thomaston Biker Crew Sports
TBC Total Body Confusion Military and Defence
TBC Terminal Buffer Controller Space Science
TBC Time Base Correction Space Science
TBC Tuba City Airport Code

Hope you have find the answer of all your related query to full of TBC if you know anything else let us know via below comment box.